Bioheat® Fuel Becoming a Part of Climate Legislation across the Northeast

States across the Northeast are developing climate action legislation to reduce emissions, and Bioheat® fuel is becoming more and more prominent in these policies. Bioheat® fuel is a low-carbon heating option that can contribute to policy goals to fight climate change because it is affordable, accessible, and has a direct plan to continue to lower its carbon content until it reaches net-zero carbon emissions.

So, if you live in the Northeast and use heating oil at your home or business, you are either already using Bioheat® fuel or will be soon. Here’s a list of the states that have current blending laws for liquid heating fuel.

Bioheat® Fuel Requirements by State

New York
On December 23, 2021, Governor Kathy Hochul signed a bill phasing in a requirement for all heating oil sold in the state to contain 20% biodiesel. All heating oil sold for use in any building in New York must contain at least 5% biodiesel by July 1, 2022, 10% by 2025, and 20% biodiesel by 2030. A 5% biodiesel blend standard has been in place for New York City and Long Island since 2017.

In Connecticut, all heating oil sold in the state must contain 5% biodiesel by July 1, 2022, 10% biodiesel by July 1, 2025, 15% biodiesel by July 1, 2030, 20% biodiesel by July 1, 2034, and 50% biodiesel by July 1, 2035.

Rhode Island
All heating oil sold in the state must contain 5% biodiesel or renewable diesel currently, 10% biodiesel or renewable diesel by July 1, 2023, 20% biodiesel or renewable diesel by July 1, 2025, and 50% biodiesel or renewable diesel by July 1, 2030.

In the Northeast & Beyond
Similar legislation in other Northeastern states is likely to be on the horizon. Bioheat® fuel is gaining popularity and recognition in the Northeast because of the region’s extremely cold climate and population of customers with existing traditional oil heating equipment. However, Bioheat® fuel and biodiesel are viable alternative energy solutions for other parts of the country, too.

Find Bioheat® Fuel Near You

Contact your local fuel provider to ask if they offer Bioheat® fuel today! They might already deliver, or they might be planning to soon. If not, you can search for a provider in your area here.

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